Due to its specifications and functionality directed at the mobile gaming industry. The ROG Phone 9 Pro comes with 16GB of RAM and 512GB of built-in memory. The smartphone boasts the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor. which provides powerful computational capabilities. The device is equipped with an AMOLED screen of 6.78 inches in diagonal, which is able to deliver a response rate of 165Hz and a touch sample rate of 720Hz which results in a smooth gaming experience. The screen has a resolution of 2448 x 1080 pixels, which provides good color and contrast.
IPhone 16 pro max high-performance:
Apple’s flagship device, The iPhone 16 Pro Max incorporates the advanced hardware, software and design, in addition to an elegant mobile experience. The device features the A18 Bionic chip manufactured using the latest 3nm process, which results in significant performance gains and a more efficient device. The iPhone 16 Pro Max’s screen is 6.7 inches Super Retina XDR with ProMotion that provides a smooth experience with an adaptive 120Hz refresh rate, black levels and colors that pop; all protected by Ceramic Shield glass 5 times more durable than glass.
ROG Phone 9 Pro specifications:
Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2
6.78-inch AMOLED, 2448 x 1080 pixels, 165Hz refresh rate